Chia seeds and lime water weight loss

Interested in trying our FREE 7-day healthy diet plan? Chia seeds and lime water weight loss seeds are the tiny black seeds from the Salvia hispanica plant. A member of the mint family, the plant originates from Central and South America. As an ingredient, the seeds are incredibly versatile.

Of particular note is their ability to absorb liquid and form a gel, this means they can be used to thicken sauces, used as an egg replacement and make a sugar-free jam. Discover our full range of health benefit guides and also check out some of our favourite chia seed recipes, from raw jam to chocolate chia puddings. What are the 5 top health benefits of chia seeds? 9g fibre which makes a healthy contribution towards the daily recommended intake of 30g. Are chia seeds safe for everyone? On the whole chia seeds are well-tolerated, however, consuming too many in one sitting may cause abdominal discomfort, constipation and bloating. For this reason, it is important to drink adequate amounts of water, especially if the seeds have not been pre-soaked.

If you are on medication for high blood pressure or diabetes you may need to moderate your intake of chia seeds because they may enhance the activity of your medication. Refer to your GP or dietitian for guidance. Although nut and seed allergy are well-documented, allergy to chia seeds is rare. If you are considering any major dietary changes, please consult your GP or registered dietitian to ensure you do so without risk to your health.

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