Cheesy broccoli soup recipe

This is an important word and nobody has it right yet. What it means cheesy broccoli soup recipe: Trying too hard, unsubtle, and inauthentic.

Specifically that which is unsubtle or inauthentic in its way of trying to elicit a certain response from a viewer, listener, audience, etc. Celine Dion is cheesy because her lyrics, timbre, key changes, and swelling orchestral accompaniment telegraph ‘i want you to be moved’ instead of moving you. What seems cheesy to me, may be a legitimate and attractive hairstyle to you. What seems cheesy to me, may cause you to weep and hug your girlfriend tight. That Celine Dion song is so cheesy. From cheese cloth, the thin cheap fabric used to drain cheese curd, and in the past sometimes used instead for proper cloth in cheap clothing.

This one feels a little cheesy. Hence any low-grade or fake product, tangible or not, offered to the public. Something that is unintentionally kitschy, tacky, or of poor quality, but these flaws go unnoticed by the admirers of said thing. Something that was popular at some point in the past, but that now seems lame in retrospect.

I can’t believe you like Ashlee Simpson. Hey, look at this picture of dad from 1975! Check out those sideburns and bellbottoms! More specifically, the status quo here being that of Generation X. In fact, we hated them so much, that we kept listening to them last night and singing along until 4 in the morning. Traduci testi da qualsiasi applicazione o sito web in un solo clic. Entra in Reverso, è semplice e gratis!

In base al termine ricercato questi esempi potrebbero contenere parole volgari. In base al termine ricercato questi esempi potrebbero contenere parole colloquiali. Sounds like a cheesy greeting card. Sembra un biglietto di auguri scadente.

Just admit the books are cheesy. That’s too cheesy for her to make up. The philosophy is just so cheesy. I guess it was a little cheesy. Okay, forse era un po’ dozzinale. I think my days of cheesy clubs are over.

Credo che i miei giorni nei locali scadenti siano finiti. Red roses are cheesy and meaningless a totally empty gesture. Le rose rosse sono dozzinali e senza significato un gesto assolutamente vuoto. It wants its cheesy lyric back.

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