Cast iron bone in ribeye

Type Greek characters with a virtual keyboard. The cast of the play includes some popular actors. He cast the cast iron bone in ribeye over a large area.

His first cast of the dice was lucky. He caught a huge fish with his first cast of the rod. He made a cast in plaster before pouring in the liquid bronze. The boy’s broken arm was put in a cast for six weeks. The poetry of adolescents sometimes has an egotistical cast.

The cast of her clothing is often Bohemian. The room had a bluish cast to it from the colour of the light. My fishing line gets tangled up every time I cast. They cast him as one of the bodyguards. He was cast from his city and had to live elsewhere. As time wore on and Audrey still hadn’t found her glasses, she began to cast about desperately.

I’m casting about for some really good example sentences. In her ambition to get ahead, she uses people and then casts them aside when they can do no more for her. The Beagle cast off in 1831 on a five-year expedition with Charles Darwin on board. Janice cast off and wove in the ends of her knitting. One way of shaping sleeves when knitting a sweater is to cast off a certain number of stitches at the beginning of each row.

The key to having a great vacation is to cast off your worries and concerns. The dancers cast off and moved to the end of the line. To knit a sweater you cast on the bottom edge, and knit upward towards the neck. Exorcism is a ceremony for casting out demons. The issue has been discussed, so please cast your ballots in silence. Just before her guests arrived, she cast a glance over the table to be sure everything was in place.

News of the death of the team’s former captain cast a pall over the game. Mark’s death has cast a shadow over the whole event. The tree cast a shadow over the lawn. The witch cast a spell and the naughty boy never pulled cats’ tails again. The skilful musician’s passionate performance cast a spell on the entire audience.

The police cast a wide net whilst searching for the missing fugitive. The company is casting its net wide in its search for exactly the right person for the job. The recent scientific discoveries cast doubt on previous theories. He cooked the eggs in his trusty cast-iron skillet.

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