Caramel extract

Sugar caramel extract are extremely hot, and can remain hot once finished for a long period of time. Do not try to taste molten caramel or dip your fingers into it.

Should any hot caramel come into contact with the skin, run under cold water immediately. Points to remember when making caramel:Oil a baking sheet and palette knife. Place caster sugar in a dry frying pan. Heat over a high heat to dissolve the sugar. Allow the mixture to dissolve completely and turn to a deep caramel, swirling the pan as you go. Brittle can be broken into shards or blitzed into a dust to sprinkle over desserts.

To clean a caramel pan, simmer water in it until all the caramel has dissolved, then wash as normal. This website is published by Immediate Media Company Limited under licence from BBC Studios Distribution. Sur cette version linguistique de Wikipédia, les liens interlangues sont placés en haut à droite du titre de l’article. Un article de Wikipédia, l’encyclopédie libre. Le caramel est une confiserie faite de sucre ayant perdu son eau de cristallisation et est obtenu par la cuisson du sucre. Les bonbons caramélisés peuvent être mous ou durs. Le mot  caramel  est un mot qui a voyagé.

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