Cannelloni sweet

Jump to navigation Jump to search Not to be confused with Pepperoni. For the sweet pepper cannelloni sweet known by the same name, see Friggitello. Capsicum -Chili – Peperoncino – Il Viagra Calabrese – Calabria – Italy – July 17th 2013 – 02.

Italian name for hot chili peppers, specifically some regional cultivars of the species Capsicum annuum and C. Italy as friggitelli, a fairly sweet cultivar of C. The peperoncino probably came to Italy in the early 16th century, after Christopher Columbus took samples from the New World to Europe in 1492. Pietro Andrea Mattioli first described peperoncini in 1568 and mentioned how much hotter they were than other varieties of pepper from Asia.

In Italian cuisine peperoncini are used with moderation and the flavour is considered more important than the heat. As a consequence the Scoville rating serves only as a rough guide to the heat, which is quite varied among the different cultivars. The peperoncino is especially important in Calabrian cuisine. In late summer, peperoncini are stitched on wires and hung from buildings. They are left to dry in spots with sunlight and ventilation to conserve them, allowing their use in cooking until the next harvest. They are eaten whole, fried until crisp, crushed, pickled, powdered or as a paste. North America is today made from cayenne or jalapeño peppers common in that region, some specialty markets there supply imported Italian red peperoncino flakes.

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