Buttermilk belgian waffle recipe

The Spruce Eats: What Is Buttermilk? It is also used in marinades to tenderize meat. Peggy Trowbridge Filippone is a writer who develops approachable recipes for home cooks. Her recipes range buttermilk belgian waffle recipe Grandma’s favorites to the latest food trends.

The buttermilk you find in the grocery store refrigerator case differs from the buttermilk your grandmother used. Nowadays, most buttermilk comes from an industrial process more similar to yogurt-making than churning butter. Old-fashioned homemade buttermilk is the slightly sweet liquid that remains after butter is churned. It may be flecked with tiny spots of sweet, creamy butter that didn’t quite make it to the top to be skimmed. In either case, fermentation converts the milk sugars into lactic acid, which is what makes buttermilk so desirable for baking and gives it that signature tangy taste. The lactic acid also inhibits the growth of dangerous bacteria, allowing for longer storage.

Commercial buttermilk is more acidic, thicker, and tangier than the old-fashioned version. Buttermilk was prized by older generations for its slightly sour flavor and remarkable properties in baking. Buttermilk curdles if you heat it too quickly. To incorporate it into soups and other hot dishes, warm the buttermilk separately in a sauce pan over medium low heat first. Southern cooks love their buttermilk and depend on it to add flavor and texture to all types of dishes. The flavor of buttermilk is reminiscent of yogurt and most people prefer it well-chilled.

You will find it to be slightly thicker in texture than regular milk but not as heavy as cream. You can add an acid to milk and use it in place of buttermilk in many baked goods. Measure 1 tablespoon of lemon juice or white vinegar into a liquid measuring cup, then fill it to the 1-cup mark with milk. Stir well, let it stand for 5 minutes, then use the amount called for in your recipe.

4 teaspoons per cup of milk. You can purchase mass-produced buttermilk at nearly any supermarket but you are likely to find better quality buttermilk at small natural foods stores or direct from local dairies. It’s nearly impossible to find true old-fashioned buttermilk, but you could churn some butter and make your own. Look for shelf-stable powdered buttermilk in the baking aisle.

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