Buckwheat groat bread

Not to be confused with the groat coin, or grain buckwheat groat bread, or the maize porridge grits. This article needs additional citations for verification.

Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Main ingredientsany grains such as oats, wheat, barley, millet or rye etc. Groats can also be produced from pseudocereal seeds such as buckwheat. Groats are nutritious but hard to chew, so they are often soaked before cooking. Groats are used in soups and porridges. Groats of many cereals are the basis of kasha, a porridge-like staple meal of Eastern Europe and Eurasia.

In North America kasha or kashi usually refers to roasted buckwheat groats in particular. In North India, cut or coarsely ground wheat groats are known as dalia and are commonly prepared with milk into a sweet porridge or with vegetables and spices into salty preparations. Parboiled and cut durum wheat groats, known as bulgur, are an essential ingredient of many Middle Eastern dishes such as mansaf and tabbouleh. Groats are also used in some sausages, such as black puddings. Sliced oat groats are known as steel-cut oats, pinhead oats, coarse or Irish oatmeal. Coarse barley flour is made by milling barley groats. Additionally, the grains can be sliced on a “groat cutter”, which can be adjusted to cut fine, medium, or coarse groats.

Regardless, thereafter the groats are freed from any adhering parts of the shell by a brushing machine. In the case of cut groats, their fragments are sorted according to size by sieving. Porridge is a food made by heating or boiling ground, crushed or chopped starchy plants, typically grain, in milk or water. Oat porridge is also sold in ready-made or partly cooked form as an instant breakfast. Other grains used for porridge include rice, wheat, barley, corn, triticale and buckwheat.

Many types of porridge have their own names, such as congee, polenta, grits and kasha. Porridge is eaten for any meal of the day and porridge is also eaten in many cultures as a common snack and is often eaten by athletes. Percentages are roughly approximated using US recommendations for adults. This section needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Maize porridge: Atole, a Mexican dish of corn flour in water or milk. Mexican blend of sugar, milk, chocolate and corn dough or corn flour.

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