Broccoli beef sauce

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Puteți contribui prin adăugarea de referințe în vederea susținerii bibliografice a afirmațiilor pe care le conține. Producția mondială de broccoli este de aproximativ 1. Broccoli este o plantă foarte asemănătoare cu conopida, excepție făcând inflorescența, care este mai răsfirată, puțin compactă și ușor desfăcută, de culoare verde. Poate avea, la anumite varietăți, culoarea galbenă sau chiar violet. Tehnologia de cultură este foarte asemănătoare cu cea a conopidei. Conform celor mai recente date, acest gen de varză a fost obținut prin hibridizare în nord-estul Mediteranei în secolele VI-V î.

Producția de broccoli în Statele Unite a început să se mărească la mijlocul anilor 1920, când în San Jose, frații d’Arrigo au început cultivarea, aducând semințe din Italia, iar în 1926, un lot de broccoli a fost trimis pentru prima dată pe coasta de est – spre Boston. Ultima editare a paginii a fost efectuată la 27 martie 2022, ora 09:27. Vedeți detalii la Termenii de utilizare. Interested in trying our FREE 7-day healthy diet plan?

Broccoli is a branched, green vegetable with either purple or more commonly green flower buds. It belongs to the brassica family, along with cauliflower, cabbage and kale, and can be eaten raw or cooked. Discover our full range of health benefit guides and find out more about the health credentials of other green vegetables. Take a look at our printable infographic to discover what counts as five-a-day. Top 5 health benefits of broccoli1.

Good for heart healthA study by Nutrition Research found that consuming steamed broccoli regularly lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease by reducing the total amount of cholesterol in the body. Broccoli sprouts are an even more concentrated source of these cancer-fighting compounds. You can easily sprout broccoli seeds on your windowsill, just like you would cress. Brassicas, like broccoli, appear to influence oestrogen metabolism potentially shifting it to a more favourable composition. This is because sulphur supports the production of glutathione which is important for maintaining the integrity of the gut lining, as well as supporting its repair.

For most of us, broccoli is a healthy option. However, if you have a thyroid issue you may be advised to minimise the amount of brassica vegetables you eat. This is because these vegetables may interfere with the absorption of iodine which is needed for the production of thyroid hormones. If you are on blood thinning medication such as warfarin, your GP or dietitian may suggest you monitor the vitamin K foods, like broccoli, in your diet to ensure you eat similar amounts consistently.

If in doubt, consult your GP before making any significant changes to what and how much you eat. This article was reviewed on 13 September by Kerry Torrens. Nicola Shubrook is a nutritional therapist and works with both private clients and the corporate sector. Over the last 15 years she has been a contributing author to a number of nutritional and cookery publications including BBC Good Food.

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