Borsch recetas

Oltre alla barbabietola, nella preparazione del boršč possono entrare numerosi ingredienti supplementari, diversi a seconda della tradizione culinaria. Viene servito molto caldo e generalmente guarnito con panna acida. Il borsch recetas viene di norma attribuito alla cucina ucraina ed è possibile risalire alle sue origini alle popolazioni site nei delta del Dnipro e del Danubio nel Mar Nero, prima della fondazione dei due stati moderni.

Tale piatto è diventato parte dell’eredità culinaria locale anche di molti paesi dell’Europa orientale e centrale. Dal 2022 il boršč è riconosciuto come appartenente al patrimonio ucraino dal Comitato per il patrimonio culturale immateriale dell’UNESCO. Andrew Evans, Who really owns borsch? Questa pagina è stata modificata per l’ultima volta il 26 dic 2022 alle 23:43. Vedi le condizioni d’uso per i dettagli.

Barszcz, barščiai or borscht – whatever you call it, does it need meat, or are simple vegetarian versions truer to the spirit of the dish? What is certain is that beetroot soup is seen by many as “the pride of old Polish cooking” as Maria Lemnis, author of a work on traditional Polish cooking refers to it. This isn’t something I can lay my hands on, even after a tour of the many Polski Skleps in my neighbourhood, so thank goodness the process is, apparently “very simple”. All you have to do is peel and thinly slice your beetroot, then cover them with lukewarm water, pop a slice of rye bread on top and leave somewhere warm for the best part of a week.

After four days on top of the water heater, my bowl of beets has developed a satisfying amount of foam, and a reassuringly unpleasant smell. Fortunately there’s no sign of the mould Maria Ochorowicz breezily suggests I might need to scrape off before making her very simple take on barszcz. After scooping the soggy bread out, I season the soup with salt, pepper and a pinch of sugar, and then ladle some of the malodorous water into a bowl. Maria reckons it’s “sour and tasty”. I’m surprised it’s not worse, but it would require some confidence in one’s ability to carry off peasant chic to serve this up to guests.

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