Best way to make mashed potatoes

This is the best meal I’ve ever best way to make mashed potatoes. He’s one of our best students. Are you sure this is the best way of doing it? She was the best singer in the country.

Some of the best wines come from France. He won the award for best actor, and deservedly so . Everyone has their own ideas about the best way to bring up children. Learn the words you need to communicate with confidence. Which evening would suit you best for the party?

The Grand Canyon is best seen at sunset. They were the best-dressed couple at the party. It is a difficult passage, but just translate it as best you can. We could go now or this afternoon – whatever time suits you best. I’ll have to do some thinking about how best to arrange the books. Under what conditions do plants grow best? All the best to your parents!

I’m not at my best in the morning. Shall we play the best of five? It doesn’t matter if you fail, just do your best. Just do the job to the best of your ability. Ending a relationship is always hard but in this case it’s for the best.

We’ll have to spend the night here, so we might as well make the best of it. The judges will select the best from this year’s crop of first novels. Our hotel is the best in town. He bested his opponent in just two rounds. He’s one of our best students. Which of the songs did you like best? She was my best friend at school.

Best wishes is a polite way of finishing a letter to someone. As an athlete, Jim Thorpe is one of the best of all time. I like all of Hitchcock’s films, but I think “Notorious” is the best. In chess, I was bested by my 13-year-old niece. 1 I due numeri indicano le presenze e le reti segnate, per le sole partite di campionato.

Carol, Barbara, Julie e Grace, e un fratello, Ian. Nel 1957, all’età di undici anni, Best ottenne l’ammissione alla prestigiosa Grosvenor High School, ma cominciò presto a marinare la scuola in quanto questa era specializzata nel rugby. Tornò allora alla Lisnasharragh Secondary School, dove ritrovò i compagni della scuola elementare e poté concentrarsi sul calcio. Al personaggio di Best fu dedicato, nel 2000, un film biografico, Best, interpretato da John Lynch, dove fece un cameo durante i titoli di coda. Il 2 ottobre 2005 venne ricoverato in terapia intensiva in una clinica privata londinese, il Cromwell Hospital, per un’infezione ai reni. Dopo i primi, deboli segni di miglioramento, alla fine del mese le sue condizioni cominciarono nuovamente ad aggravarsi. Calum, che gli stette vicino negli ultimi giorni di vita.

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