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Through online campaigns, grassroots organizing, mass public 350 f to c, and collaboration with an extensive network of partner groups and organizations, 350. The fossil fuel divestment campaign, also known as “Fossil Free”, borrows activist tactics from other social movements, notably the successful campaign for disinvestment from South Africa over apartheid. If it is wrong to wreck the climate, then it is wrong to profit from that wreckage. We want institutions to immediately freeze any new investment in fossil fuel companies, and divest from direct ownership and any commingled funds that include fossil fuel public equities and corporate bonds.

The campaign has grown from colleges and universities around the United States to now include other kinds of public and private institutions, such as the City of New York, major Japanese banks, development banks, religious institutions and more. Campaigns for divestment are active and growing around the world. From 2013 to 2020, Australian members built a network of local groups across the country advocating for institutions to divest. Keystone XL pipeline as a critical issue and turning point for the environmental movement, as well as for then-President Barack Obama’s legacy. Texas’ Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer, which supplies drinking water to more than 12 million people, as one important reason to reject the pipeline. Keystone XL would create only a few thousand temporary jobs during construction. The State Department estimated that ultimately the pipeline will create 35 permanent jobs.

Partly due to efforts from 350. President Obama officially rejected the building of Keystone XL on November 6, 2015. This marked the end of a seven-year review on the pipeline. President Obama is the first world leader to reject a project because of its effect on the climate. 15 billion lawsuit under NAFTA’s Chapter 11. On January 24, 2017, President Donald Trump took action intended to permit the pipeline’s completion, whereupon TC Energy suspended their NAFTA Chapter 11 action. 20 years, meeting the threshold to make the project economically viable.

On January 20, 2021, President Joe Biden revoked the permit for the pipeline on his first day in office. On June 9, 2021, the project was abandoned by TC Energy. Local campaigns in jurisdictions around the world have passed laws limiting or banning fossil fuel production. These include 410 municipal bans for fracking in Brazil and two state bans: Santa Catarina and Paraná. An “International Day of Climate Action” on October 24, 2009, was organized by 350. As a follow-up to 2009’s International Day of Climate Action, 350. 10:10 Climate Campaign joined forces to help coordinate another global day of action, which occurred on October 10, 2010.

The 2010 campaign was focused on concrete actions that can be taken locally to help combat climate change. The organization’s efforts continued into 2012 with a planned May 5 worldwide series of rallies under the slogan “Connect the Dots,” to draw attention to the links between climate change and extreme weather. Phase 1 of Global Power Shift was a convergence in Istanbul, Turkey in June 2013 of about five-hundred climate organizers from 135 countries. Summer Heat campaign in the summer of 2013, a wave of mass mobilizations across the USA.

People’s Climate March, which took place on September 21, 2014. 2,000 events took place around the world. Strike actions were planned in more than 150 countries. The aim of the Global Climate Strike is to draw attention to the emergency climate crisis and to create pressure on politics, the media and the fossil fuel industry. The strikes are intended as a prelude to a permanent mass mobilization.

6 million people across 185 countries participated in this mass mobilization event, making the Global Climate Strike the largest climate mobilization in history. The Do The Math movie is a 42-minute documentary film about the rising movement to change the terrifying math of the climate crisis and challenge the fossil fuel industry. The math revolves around these three numbers: to stay below 2 degrees Celsius of global warming we can emit only 565 more gigatons of carbon dioxide versus the 2,795 gigatons held in proven reserves by fossil fuel corporations. Their 2007 “Step It Up” campaign involved 1,400 demonstrations at famous sites across the United States. NASA climate scientist James Hansen contended that any atmospheric concentration of CO2 above 350 parts per million was unsafe. 2009 Copenhagen Accord as a limit for global temperature rise.

In the 2015 Paris Agreement, 1. Fossil-fuel companies have about 2,795 gigatons of carbon already contained in their proven coal and oil and gas reserves, and is the amount of fossil fuels they are currently planning to burn. A global campaign to confront the climate crisis”. Fact sheet: The need for mitigation. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Remember This: 350 Parts Per Million”.

Build People Power and Capacity to run effective Campaigns and Movements to tackle the Climate Crisis”. The database of fossil fuel divestment commitments made by institutions worldwide”. Global Fossil Fuels Divestment Commitments Database. Archived from the original on November 14, 2013.

Australian Campaign Case Study: Divestment Campaign 2013 – 2021″. NASA’s Hansen Explains Decision to Join Keystone Pipeline Protests”. Citing Climate Change, Obama Rejects Construction of Keystone XL Oil Pipeline”. Alberta to pursue compensation through NAFTA for U.

Keystone XL Pipeline Obtains Enough Shipper Commitments to Proceed”. Premier Jason Kenney to respond after Keystone XL permit revoked by executive action”. Keystone XL Oil Project Abandoned by Developer”. Keystone XL pipeline nixed after Biden stands firm on permit”. The World Link : Activist’s 350-mile trek highlights climate change”. Why I am walking 350 miles”. Can Trees Save Us from Climate Change?

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