1855 ribeye

On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the 1855 ribeye across from the article title. Events from the year 1855 in the United States. Governor of New Hampshire: Nathaniel B.

Governor of New Jersey: Rodman M. Governor of New York: Myron H. Governor of Rhode Island: William W. Lieutenant Governor of Connecticut: Alexander H.

Lieutenant Governor of Indiana: Ashbel P. Lieutenant Governor of Louisiana: Robert C. Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts: William C. Lieutenant Governor of Rhode Island: John J. Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin: James T.

Klamath and Salmon River War: In Klamath County, California, hostility between settlers and the local Native Americans becomes violent. The California State Militia and U. The Point No Point Treaty is signed in the Washington Territory. The North Carolina General Assembly incorporates the Western North Carolina Railroad to build a rail line from Salisbury to the western part of the state.

Pennsylvania State University is founded as the Farmers’ High School of Pennsylvania. Bates College is founded by abolitionists in Lewiston, Maine. Elections are held for the first Kansas Territory legislature. Missourian ‘Border Ruffians’ cross the border in large numbers to elect a pro-slavery body. Cincinnati riots of 1855: Tension between nativists and German-American immigrants in Cincinnati breaks out into territorial street fighting on election day. Portland Rum Riot: A crowd gathers at a storehouse believed to hold alcohol in Portland, Maine.

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