1800 flowers valentine’s day

On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. This article 1800 flowers valentine’s day about the year 1800. May 15: Napoleon begins crossing the Alps. World population approaches the 1 billion milestone which it will attain in 1802.

The Dutch East India Company dissolves. A public plebiscite in France confirms Napoleon as First Consul, by a substantial majority. Infrared radiation is discovered by astronomer Sir William Herschel. 1800: cardinal Barnaba Chiaramonti succeeds Pius VI as Pius VII, the 251st pope. He is crowned on March 21, in Venice. Capraia, with the loss of 673 lives.

Alessandro Volta describes his new invention, the voltaic pile, the first chemical battery, in a letter to the Royal Society of London. British Royal Navy officer Henry Waterhouse first charts the Antipodes Islands. The result is not announced until February 1801. April 2 Ludwig van Beethoven’s Symphony No. 1 premieres at the Burgtheater, in Vienna. The Treaty of Constantinople establishes the Septinsular Republic, the first autonomous Greek state since the Fall of the Byzantine Empire.

Library of Congress is founded in Washington, D. The first smallpox vaccination is made in North America, at Trinity, Newfoundland. President John Adams moves to Washington. Because the President’s Mansion is still under construction, President Adams takes up residence at Tunnicliffe’s City Hotel near the unfinished U.

The French army is evacuated from Genoa. Marshal André Masséna is allowed to march out, with all the honours of war. Napoleon defeats the Austrian troops near Marengo, Italy. French general Jean-Baptiste Kléber is assassinated in Cairo by Syrian Kurdish Muslim student Suleiman al-Halabi.

Austria agrees to evacuate much of Italy. The French garrison in Valletta surrenders to British troops, who had been called at the invitation of the Maltese. The Convention of 1800, or Treaty of Mortefontaine, is signed between France and the United States of America, ending the Quasi-War. France, in return for the Tuscany area of Italy. Middlebury College is granted its charter by the Vermont General Assembly. The United States Congress holds its first Washington, D. War of the Second Coalition: Hostilites resume.

The French army defeats Habsburg and Bavarian troops. December 24 The Plot of the rue Saint-Nicaise fails to kill Napoleon Bonaparte. Pierre Coudrin and Henriette Aymer de la Chevalerie found the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary in Paris. Trist, secretary to President Andrew Jackson of the U.

John Hazelwood, English-born officer in the U. 1800: President John Adams moves into a tavern in Washington, D. Archived from the original on October 15, 2008. Whispers of Rebellion: Narrating Gabriel’s Conspiracy. France – Convention of 1800: Text of the Treaty”. Subscription or UK public library membership required. Zobrazí ponuky práce, ktoré sú podobné tejto.

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