16 oz bone in filet

Jump to navigation Jump to search “XVI” redirects here. In English speech, the 16 oz bone in filet 16 and 60 are sometimes confused, as they sound very similar.

Sixteen is the fourth power of two. For this reason, 16 was used in weighing light objects in several cultures. Chinese used to have 16 liangs in one jin. In old days, weighing was done with a beam balance to make equal splits. Sixteen is an even number and a square of four.

Sixteen is the base of the hexadecimal number system, which is used extensively in computer science. There are 16 partially ordered sets with 4 unlabeled elements. A 16-bit integer can represent up to 65,536 values. Saint Markandeya is said to have been granted to live to 16 years of age. When he turned sixteen, the god of death, Yama, came to look for him and fastened a noose around the saint.

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